Wednesday, July 11, 2007
No, I don´t want more fish
Shoot, Cape Verdeans eat a lot of fish...especially my village on the water. Fish for dinner, fish re-fried for breakfast, and whatever is left for lunch!!! I don´t know if I can take 9 weeks of fish, but we´ll see!! I just now am getting over a cold. I think most of you have been privy to seeing one of my dramatic coughing fits that go along with my colds and I think that everyone here thinks I am dying! My mama keeps trying to get me to go to the hospital and there is no way to tell her that this will pass and that I am getting better. I had a breakthrough last night though when I actually wanted to eat the fish instead of wanting to throw-up from the smell!! Anyways, those are my only gripes right now!! I am aclimating quite well and for only being the second week in the village, my Kriolu (the local language) is actually quite good!! Thank god for my background in spanish. Those that don´t have a strong language background are stuggling a bit, but we keep trying to remember that it is only the second week and there are 7 more before we are on our own. Today was a great day for us youth developement volunteers...we got to go see a couple of the youth institutions in Assomada...the bigger city of my zone. We went to an SOS (an orphange of sorts that is an international NGO and they are all over the world so you might have heard of them) and right after we went to an orphange that is run by the government here. wow, what a difference money can make. But the strength and resiliance of kids never ceases to amaze me. The girls at the home danced Batuk for us...Batuk is this amazing dance created by the slaves that passed through here to show that they still had life in them. It is basically an ass shaking dance and that is all that moves, it´s in the blood of the people on this island because nowhere else in the world can this be done...i wish i could show it to you because words cannot explain the power behind this dance. Ummm what else??? I will be in the bigger city shadowing the one youth volunteer here from sunday until wednesday. everyone else gets to go off the island to shadow a volunteer in their sector, but Courtney is the only youth volunteer in cape verde, so all 4 of us stay in the city where we are training!! I told everyone they had to take pictures of the different islands because I don´t believe they exist!! Anyways, gotta go catch my iasi (pronounced like yass) back to Ribeira di barca. Miss you all!!
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