Thursday, December 13, 2007

Oh the holidays...

So I have been getting crap from my mother about having not posted a blog in so long so here we go. What have i been up too?? Well I have been at war with ants. The little sons of bitches are invading my house. It doesn´t matter how well I clean up or how much poison i spray in their little holes; if there is no speck of food to be found they attack the sponge that i wash the dishes with or the spoon i used to stir the broth with, that has been thoughroughly cleaned, but i guess still has the residue of leftovers. They got into all of my dried food a while back and I had to throw out my milk and flour. What else...we had a massive flour shortage last couldn´t find flour in any market for three weeks, unless you were willing to participate in what seemed like a drug deal. You had to ask the assistant at one of the markets for flour. He would repeat that there was no flour to be found...but if you gave him the wink he would tell you to ask the cashier. The cashier would also tell you, no we doƱ´t have any, but if you gave him the wink, he would look at the assistant you had already spoken too, who would give the cashier the head nod and then finally the cashier would quietly ring you up some flour. But that wasn´t the end of it, once you had paid for everything and had your bags in hand, you had to give them to the assistant who would take them in a back room and secretly put in your kilo of flour. It was crazy!!! Humm...more about what I have been doing. Does anyone know the record for how many of solitaire you can play without winning?? I am at 25 and i must have played at least 10 games before i started counting. I of course, have been reading a lot when i am not losing at solitaire. I am reading MobY Dick right now. It is fantasic, i recommend you all go out and pick up a copy! I don´t know why they have high school kids read it, i definately was not ready for it then and it is way to long to be a required reading, but when it is read for fun and in your own time, it is genius! Sticking with the classics, i also just finished Madame Bovary and hated it!! If classics aren´t your thing and you liked the movie MOmento...go get the book Dermophoria by Craig Clevenger. It is the most entertaining novel i have read. Other news. Thanksgiving was excellent. The volunteers of Fogo got together and made dinner. We had a blast and i have pictures to prove it! Our thanksgiving dinner coincided with a huge Saint Day festival in the town where we were so there was basically three days of non-stop partying. You know those Catholics and their saints (well and their drinking too!). I think we will get together for Christmas in Cha (the volcano) and maybe do new years here.
Ok, ok, i know none of that has anything to do with actual work; and since i get the question "do you actually do anything over there" I guess i can tell you a little about that too. I have started english classes 4 times a week. They are with the high school kids and it is more like english tutoring because i am definately not cut out to stand at the chalkboard and teach! I also am helping out with an NGO based out of the states that deals with domestic violence in Fogo. They have me translating documents from Portuguese to English which is quite amusing since I haven´t learned Portuguese!! All of us first year volunteers are meeting on the main island for some more training next week, so most of my stuff will be put on hold until after the new year. I also hope to get a youth group going once i get back. All things in the works....see i do do things!!

Ok, you all satisfied now!! Oh by the way...I am getting a puppy!!! One of the volunteers from Fogo just took a vacation on Mayo (another island) and somehow asked for a puppy and was given two, so she is bringing both of them back and they should get here saturday!! Oh god, what am i getting myself into!! You think I can train her to eat ants??? Anyways, if anyone has a good name for a girl puppy let me know!! I tend to like names that deal with alcholic beverages!!