Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The wait is over!!

I have finally received my invitation that tells me my country and my departure date. Y'all ready???!!! I am going to Cape Verde. It is a group of nine inhabited islands (kind of like Hawaii) off the coast of north-west Africa!! So I am not on the mainland, which at first I was disappointed about, but everything I have read has made me really excited!! My job title is YOUTH MOBILIZER which basically means I can do anything once I get over there that is focused on youth. They talk about camps, sports, community developement, learning basic computer skills, tutoring, HIV/AIDS and STD awareness, etc. I couldn't be happier about working with the youth of the country.
Now it's really crunch time for me because my departure date is June 25th and the Peace Corps has so many forms and last minute things they have you do. When I called today to accept the invitation, my placement officer said 'ok congratulations, now you need to get your visa and passport applications that we JUST sent you mailed away today or tomorrow"!!! I have about 6 weeks left and that is usually how long everything takes so I ran around like a crazy woman today trying to get everything done (and i did!).
So, everyone go look up my beautiful islands!!