Thursday, December 4, 2008

Wednesday 6:40 pm: Boston Logan International Airport

Waiting for the flight to Cape Verde is different this time around; I know what I am going back to. When the group of 29 of us traveled the first time, there was so much excitement and adventure in the unknown. There is no unknown this time. I know where I am going and I know what I am doing there. Don’t get me wrong, I am excited to go back, but after visiting I now know I am ready to come home and start with the future. As my returned Peace Corps friend tells me, “it’s a trap”, and I am sure once I am back America will wear on my nerves again, but right now America is the unknown adventure and I am itching to see where I end up. Plus, I have a little anxiety about returning to Fogo because I know I will miss my little Katxupa. For those of you who don’t know, my dog, Katxupa, was hit by a car and killed while I was in the US. It was no ones fault, just the life of a Cape Verdean dog, but when I land and she is not there, the realization of not having my bed buddy and constant friend is going to hit me hard.
Anyways, I am in the home stretch of this two year stint and am just excited to live and get some work done in Chã. It is so hard for me to believe that it is already Christmas and New Years again. The time really does fly.

The past three weeks in the US have been a whirl wind of different cities and visiting with different friends. For those of you I didn’t get to see this time around, don’t worry I’ll be back soon! For those of you I did see, it was so so so so so great to hang out. Thanks for arranging your schedules to see me; I had a blast!!!

Thursday 6:20 pm;Fogo

I made it!!! Got in around noon this time, a little jet lagged and a lot happy to be off the plane! Hope to hear from you all soon!


Anonymous said...

We loved seeing you on your visit to Anthem, Arizona! Keep posting bits of what you are up to so we can relive some of the moments with you. I love the pictures too!!

I'm terribyly sorry to hear about your dog. Katxupa was a brave dog and wonderful friend for you. She is probably up there now arranging for another furry friend to come into your life. Drink a beer to her faithful life and wish her well in the afterlife.

I'm glad you made the trip safely and are getting back into the Cape Verdean pace of things. Your town will be glad to have your smiling face back amongst them!

I'll be watching for your next blogs....Jeannette Brighton

Amanda LaDuke said...


It was great to see you and catch up after all this time! :-)

I can't wait to hear more about your last 7 months! This really has been an experience of a lifetime for you! And I too love to see the pictures.


Island dreamer said...

Aw, I'm so sorry about Katxupa, I know what it's like to lose a pet in Cape Verde:( Not fun.

I hope you had a great time in the US, and I'm sure the rest of your second year will be fruitful and fabulous, and though you'll soon move on to bigger and better things, I know it will be hard to leave. Trust me:)

Take care!

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Katxupa. I know how you can become so attached to your dog. See you when you come back. Happy New Year!

Cousin Michelle