Monday, June 15, 2009

It's official...

August 3rd...that's the day my life changes again.

ok, so i am being a little dramatic. But seriously, on August 3rd I fly away from Fogo, my home for the last 2 years. It is so surreal. Since my arrival here in cape verde I have been counting down the months, but for some reason now that i have an actual date of departure, it has really hit home. I can't imagine leaving my peaceful life in my crater to return to the craziness of america (where i will be searching frantically for a job; if any of you know of any in the sacramento area let me know!!). I flip flop between being so excited to go home and get some normalcy in my life and thinking, why don't i just stay here forever. Oh well, it's time for the next phase of my life so i guess i gotta be moving on.

In other news:
*Me and my italian friend Carla organized a 'girls night out" for some of the women in Cha who never get to leave their houses. We went to our local "restaraunt" and ate a lot of pizza and the women actually got to relax and have a glass of wine (which most of them NEVER do) as we talked about the situation of women in Cape Verde. it really was awesome and soooo, much fun, especailly once the dancing started! We are now working with this group of women to start producing jewlery with local materials from Cha, ie, lava, seeds, coffee beans, etc. hopefully it will be a good small business opportunity for them.
*My toenails are growing back nicely, i believe i will be able to wear open heals to BZ's wedding and my ugly feet won't make small children cry.
*We are entering the fruit season in Cha and it is AMAZING. Peaches, figs, grapes and soon pomegranates are all over and i can't eat them fast enough!
*This years wine production starts in about 3 weeks and i am so excited to go out picking grapes and follow the process from start to finish!
*Along with most of the guides and business folks of Cha, i am taking a workshop in tourism, italian and spanish given by an italian NGO. it is four days a week and is actually really fun! It is great that i get to brush up on my spanish before i return to the states where i am sure i will need it!

Thats about it for now. I go to Praia next week for COS conference, which, in non-Peace Corps terms, means i learn how to leave the country withouth drowning in all the paperwork i have to do. But it is the last time my group will be together so i am sure we'll have a good time! Adios!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my La....I am so excited that you will be home soon. I know you will miss Cha and all the friends you have made in the village and your PC friends.
