Thursday, July 24, 2008

Kids that make me smile.

These little girls were adorable. They came first to buy rice and this time they are passing to go take a bath!

Me and Endira in front of Mel's
The two on the left are my upstairs neighbors Rafa and Junior
Their sister, Karen
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These three pics are from the one and only shin-dig that ALL 9 of us Fogo-ians had.

Me and Dina

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They're closing what?

Ahhhhh, the joys of long hot years without airconditioning....there are less than two weeks to go in July. The new group of trainees is here and I assume learning the great lessons of being in the Peace Corps from their new homestay families...these lessons include, but are not limited to 1) learning how to take a cold bucket bath and wash your clothes by hand, 2) "older" people who are missing a few teeth are REALLY hard to understand (no matter how advanced your language skills are) but they will just keep talking at you till you nod even though you still don't understand and 3) Cape Verdean families will make you eat till you pop! Thinking about all those newbies brings back so many of my own homestay memories (and the fact that my host mom might kill me because i have not visited since february, yes i am ingrato). That the new group is here doesn't just mean that I have now arrived as a coveted "2nd year" volunteer, but it means that the volunteers that came the group before me are finishing up and leaving....well maybe.
Have I ever told y'all that it is oh so much fun being a volunteer in an island nation. My good friends Sam and Mel are leaving Fogo next Tuesday and Thursday, respectively, to COS (close of service) in Praia and then fly home. However all this excitement for them comes wrapped in rumors of the airport here in Fogo closing so they can make the runway longer. We have already been downgraded to only being able to fly inter-island on 19 seat jumpers. Now, the airline has been putting it out there that the airport will be closed during the month of August. They don't have an exact time frame, ie. the whole month, the beginning of the month, the end of the month...but they keep telling everyone making reservations to stand-bye for more information. It looks like Mel and Sam will get out of here, but there are two more volunteers COS-ing mid-august and Sarah (who is extending for a 3rd year) and Sean and Dave (from my group) are supposed to be traveling between islands this month. We'll see if eveyone makes it or not! On top of all this, even if the small planes are flying when eveyone goes they can only take 15 kilos of luggage. So the COS-ing volunteers have to ship their stuff to Praia by boat and then collect it when they get there...and y'all read that blog about the quality of boat service here! I'll keep you all posted!
As for me personally, nothing much is new. I am finishing up an English class and trying to get some HIV/AIDS projects funded and running. You know, same ol' same ol'. This weekend, Katxupa and I will be traveling up to Cha to attend the dispidida (going away party) for Sam and Mel. Katuxupa loves it up there cause she can run around all day and night and I don't have to worry about her too much; only that one day she might actually get one of those chickens she likes to chase. We were up there two weeks ago and the day we got home, Katxupa slept for the ENTIRE day.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It's all in the family

Sorry for the long delay everyone!

So, one year in country has come and past! I only have 13 months of service left! Wow, how the time has flown by. Really, it seems like 3 months ago that i left, not 12. I am still extremely happy that i chose to join the peace corps and am learning so much about myself and the world by being here. Sometimes, however, I do wish that i could just push the pause button on the rest of the world so i don't miss all the important things happening in your lives. This blog might be a little boring for those of you not in the Blas family, but maybe it will inspire you to go out and hug your family!
To the Blas Family-
You know, growing up, I don't think it dawned on the cousins of my generation just why it was so important we continue to get together. The first generation cousins had basically grown up together, but for us who only saw each other once a year, it was my thought that the Blas family was just the sea of people I had to sift through every christmas to get my presents from "santa". But through our reunions, especially the last one, all of that changed. I realized why we do it; i realized why we all gather every Christams Eve and every 5 years at the reunions... we do it because although our family is large, loud and even a little crazy, it is such a special thing that we are able reconnect with everyone; to be there to meet new husbands/wives and new babies and to be there for each other through the losses and the hard times. I hope we all realize how unique our family is. Being here in Cape Verde has shown me that. Most Americans think of their family as Grandma, Grandpa, aunts and uncles, but i am blessed to know my great aunts and uncles, first, second and third cousins and how the rest of us are related i can't even say correctly! I know that when it is time for the Blas family to get together, there are over 100 people that I can't wait to see! So, to wrap up my sappy homage to you all, my wonderful family, who will be together without me in less than one week, i have only one more thing to crazy, be loud, be family. I love you and will be thinking of you all!

To my second family-
Keeping on the family note, I have to say welcome to the world to Chance Michael Chishom who was born July 10th, 2008! Katie and Matt, i am so happy that you two have a beautiful healthy baby boy! I wish I could be there to give you all a big hug and kiss. I can't believe I won't meet him for another year. Tell Chance to expect a lot of love from his auntie dottie when she gets home!