These little girls were adorable. They came first to buy rice and this time they are passing to go take a bath!
Me and Endira in front of Mel's
The two on the left are my upstairs neighbors Rafa and Junior
Their sister, Karen
A look into my adventure as a Peace Corps volunteer. Disclaimer: The thoughts and opinions posted here are those of the author and in no way represent the thoughts and opinions of Peace Corps or the United States government
Yeah! More pics! These kids are so cute! Hope you are having fun!
Take care,
Just wanted you to know that Cyndi and I check and read your blog monthly...sometimes weekly to see how you're doing. But, we never leave a comment. At the family reunion, Emily said that you feel frustrated that no one posts comments. So here's mine. Keep up the blog. I love reading it, but I'm just not a good commenter. The family missed you at the reunion, and hope to see you at the next one. Also, many people at the reunion said they read the blog, but don't post. So you're reaching more people than you think!
Cousin Michelle
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